(Re)Introducing Mutant Breakfast: Beta 2.0

Consistency and diligence are great virtues in blogging, but perhaps more important than either is a conviction in having something to say. When OG Mutants Crisper, Geccho, and Trojan first conjured this happy (albeit somewhat forsaken) diner, we imagined we had forged a blood pact in the image of big-box blog outlets like Angry Metal Guy, Invisible Oranges, and the Quietus. That aspiration was always a bit of a mirage, for a couple of reasons. First and most obviously, our love of industrial metal could never translate to an industrial capacity in churning out reviews, insofar as we began as three otherwise busy fanatics without any serious ambition of mustering a phalanx of at-the-ready content creators. We’ve garnered some creepy-crawly friends along the way, and we're thrilled about that, but there was never any exchange of promises to push something out on a regular schedule. All along, our goal has been to put out quality reviews of neglected and misunderstood offerings. That meant arduous processes of scouring and scribing, which were in a way anathema to any certainty of coverage and, relatedly, output. One month, we might be bombarded with inspiring music, sometimes even from the same label. The next, a drought might take over and make it impossible to discover, much less write about, new records.

For all of these reasons, we’re making some updates to the look, functionality, and stated mission of Mutant Breakfast, to be more honest with ourselves and our astoundingly loyal readership (many of whom have been bugging us to get back on track). Version Beta 2.0 is intended to reflect a change in attitude and expectations. Apart from our galactic glow-up, we are including the option in the sidebar to follow an RSS feed, for those who have found that our janky DIY mailing list is too often getting filtered to spam. Hopefully, this will allow readers to keep up with our work even if we go missing in action, the way we’ve been these past few months. Forgive us for attending to our jobs, our education, and our growing families, but don’t think for a second that the demands of postmodern life have done anything but hone our kvlt sensibilities. 

All told, Mutant Breakfast is, now and forever, a passion project. We are tethered to our whims and tastes, as well as to the ebbs and flows of the underground. In our commitment to a careful approach and strictly-maintained authorial voice, we are leaning into our identity as a deviant, self-archiving zine, rather than trying to compete with the Toilet ov Hells of the world—who do excellent work. Our goal is not to review as much as we can of what labels send us, but to uplift that which has gone hidden or in some way overlooked. Mutants even among metalheads, we want to challenge dedicated scenesters to push their tastes even further and embrace the tangle of sonic aberrance that our complex digital world has to offer. We cannot promise weekly writeups (no matter how much we’d like to think we could), but we can promise to be a go-to source for some of the grime seeping beneath the floorboards. Email your recommendations and promos to contact@mutantbreakfast.com, as always, but know that only the grossest and greasiest meats are making it into the feed.